Lake Info & Studies

2021 Annual Lakes Monitoring Report Summary LOONWATCH PG 1-5        click to read

2021 Annual Lakes Monitoring Report Summary LOONWATCH pg 6-9          click to read

Spiny Waterflea click to read

Curly-leaf pondweed click to read


Using Aerators and Aeration Systems. Click the link below to see the State’s Regulations.

7.20.21 DNR Aerators and Aerator Systems

Click link below to view the 2019 Purple Loostrife Map and determined locations: 2019_Purple_Loostrife_Map


Aquatic Invasive Species Committee-2018

Review Submitted by Kent Gierhart:
As chair of the Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) committee I would like to provide an update on what the committee worked on and accomplished in 2018. As a committee we determined that there were four areas that should be addressed to help curb the development of AIS in the Island Chain of Lakes: 1.) education of lake association members on what aquatic invasive plants are currently present and how to prevent the spread of AIS, 2.) monitoring the lakes for AIS (looking at what aquatic invasive plants are currently present and developing an ongoing method to routinely monitor the lakes for AIS), 3) reporting to Wisconsin Department of  Natural Resources, and 4.) controlling current AIS.

1. Education: a story board was developed explaining what AIS are and what they look like. The committee had a booth on AIS at Lake Days in April. An in-depth article on AIS was prepared by an intern from Beaver Creek Reserve in Eau Claire. The committee developed a close relationship with the AIS coordinator in our area.

2. Monitoring: in June the committee took to the water with the AIS coordinator to assess the current status of AIS in the chain of lakes. According to the coordinator, the water quality on the chain of lakes is very good. The predominate invasive plants are curly leaf pondweed and purple loosestrife.

3. Reporting: this will be a focus for 2019. Developing a systematic plan for monthly monitoring. Control: we reviewed possible methods for controlling Purple Loosestrife (PL) in our water ways. Some small areas of PL were physically removed and destroyed. Large areas of PL that were found will need to be managed through bio-control by raising and introducing beetles provided by the WDNR. 4. Next Steps / Controlling: One of the major focuses for 2019 will be the control of Purple Loosestrife (PL). As mentioned, this will involve the raising of beetles that feed only on the PL. To accomplish this the
committee is looking for someone who lives full time on the Island Chain of Lakes who has a sunny location or a small greenhouse and is willing to water-manage the PL plants that will help produce the beetles. The setup is simple and will be handled by the AIS committee. It takes approximately six weeks from early May to the end of June to raise the beetles. If you would be willing to help out, would like more information, or want to join the committee please contact Kent Gierhart at 715-864-2056 or e-mail​.

Click Here to review the Minutes: Invasive Species Committee 2019


Information from last meeting about woodticks click here: Speaker Handouts


Richard “Dick” Martin presented at our May 2016 meeting and talked about lake water sampling. Below are links to the Wisconsin DNR’s page of each of our 4 lakes.

Chain Lake Click Here

Clear Lake Click Here

Island Lake Click Here

McCann Lake Click Here

Check out the Shoreline Zoning Power point: Shoreline Zoning power point June 2016

Loon Survey for 2015!

I received the Loon Survey information for 2015 in the mail. The two lakes accounted for in Rusk county were Chain Lake and Island Lake. Here are the results.

CHAIN LAKE       Survey Entire Lake: YES    Territiorial Pairs: 2  Nesting Pairs: 1           Chick Rearing Pairs: 0  Chicks hatched: 0  Chicks 8 wks: 0 Floaters: 7

ISLAND LAKE    Survey Entire Lake: YES    Territiorial Pairs: 2  Nesting Pairs: 2           Chick Rearing Pairs: 2  Chicks hatched: 4  Chicks 8 wks: 0 Floaters: 4


If you are interested in all the Loon lakes that were surveyed in WI here is the link.

Click on the links to download a copy of the fish information for each lake for 2016!

Chain Lake Chain SN2 2016

Clear Lake Clear SN2 2016

Island Lake Island SN2 2016

McCann Lake McCann SN2 2016

Click on this link to download the copy of the fish shocking study that was done in 2014. LakeData

Tree Drop


Walleye Wagon Project


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